Advertising, Branding, Corporate, Custom, Video
Genera Studio //
Enterprise //
Albert Haiz //
Ilusionistas //With more than 10 years of experience we create projects that start out as ideas and come to life as creative solutions in a variety of mediums, spanning from brand identity and internal communication challenges to the production and execution of 360 advertising campaigns.
OMA / Premium Lounge
OMA / Premium Lounge
Creation and implementation of advertising campaign for OMA Aeropuertos, focused on demonstrating the advantages and benefits of becoming a member of their Premium Lounge by OMA program.
Client: OMA Airport Group
Project: Premium Lounge Campaign
Service: Advertising
Business unit: Albert HaizWorked in collaboration with Jacobs&Don.
Travezada / Digital campaign
Travezada / Digital campaign
Online advertising and social media campaign showcasing Travezada’s variety and excellent quality of products and competitive pricing.
Client: Travezada
Proyect: Advertising Campaign
Service: Online Marketing & Advertising Videos
Business Unit: Albert Haiz / IlusionistasOMA / BTL campaign
OMA / BTL campaign
Full experience event for Christmas at OMA Aeropuertos which included Christmas character greeters, photo opportunities and decorations to bring holiday spirit and joy to passengers and customers.
Client: OMA Aeropuertos
Project: BTL campaign
Service: Full experience design and execution
UN: Albert HaizMARQUÉS 202 / Campaña publicitaria
CARRIER / A new plant
Corporate, Video
CARRIER / A new plant
Welcoming video placed at the entrance of each plant, giving an over view of all the processes that are carried out in the plants.
Client: Carrier Mexico
Project: Corporate video
Service: Live action film production and sound editing.
Business unit: Albert Haiz / IlusionistasHEINEKEN / Socio Tecate
HEINEKEN / Socio Tecate
Internal campaign aimed at employees and distributors to promote sales force. The campaign is made up of videos explaining the loyalty program «Socio Tecate» that incentivizes the best display and maintenance practices through bonuses and prizes.
Client: Heineken
Reach: National level (Mexico)
Project: Socio Tecate
Service: 360 advertising campaign
Business unit: Albert Haiz / IlusionistasFEMSA / Esto es FEMCO
OMA / Campaign video cover
Advertising, Video
De León Training Camp
OMA / Estacionamientos
OMA / Estacionamientos
Development of recurring advertising campaigns to promote OMA Airport’s parking services nationwide.
Client: OMA Airport Group
Project: “OMA Parking” Campaign
Service: Marketing strategy and advertising campaign
Business Unit: Albert HaizIn collaboration with Jacobs & Don.
El Duende Mágico
El Duende Mágico
Online marketing campaign promoting El Duendo Mágico toys, created on giving children a personalized experience based on magical elves that visit the children to offer companionship and support for homework, games and learning.
Client: El Duende Mágico
Proyect: Advertising Campaign
Service: Online Marketing & Advertising Videos
Business Unit: Albert Haiz / IlusionistasOMA / Campaña navideña
MEDDO / Ad campaign
CARRIER / Safestart
HEINEKEN / Think circular
Corporate, Video
HEINEKEN / Think circular
Endomarketing campaign made up of a series of short videos highlighting sustainable and eco-friendly practices developed by workers of Heineken.
Client: Heineken International
Project: Think Circular
Service: Motion graphics, endomarketing, live action video production
Business Unit: IlusionistasARCA / Identidad Convención
Branding, Corporate
HEINEKEN / We are engeneering
HEINEKEN / We are engeneering
Concept creation and development of endomarketing campaign geared towards getting to know the engineering team, their objectives and their accomplishments,
Client: Heineken
Plant: Monterrey, Mexico
Project: We are engineering
Service: Graphic design and communication strategy
Business Unit: Genera StudioHeineken / Innova Mty
Branding, Corporate
Marqués 202 / Mojito
Advertising, Video
Marqués 202 / Mojito
Video production created as part of an advertising campaign promoting the delicious food and great environment you can expect from Marqués 202.
Client: Marqués 202
Project: Mojito
Servicie: Live action video production, video editing, sound editing and advertising
Business Unit: IlusionistasEMMSA / Showroom
EMMSA / Showroom
Interior design, decoration and creation of a showroom for the exhibition of fire fighting and fire prevention products where the users can get a clear idea of the final product.
Client. Emmsa
Project: Emmsa Showroom
Service: Industrial design, graphic design, interior design, production and installation
Business Unit: EnterpriseHeineken / Innovation Room Orizaba
Heineken / Innovation Room Orizaba
Complete interior redesign of conference room to reshape the way employees experience pitch meetings and brainstorming sessions. A space for employees to relax and work in a more interactive and dynamic way, to promote creativity and thinking outside the box for new projects.
Client: Heineken
Plant: Orizaba, Mexico
Project: Innovation Room Orizaba
Service: Interior design, industrial design, fabrication and installation
Business Unit: EnterpriseHeineken / Training Room Tecate
Heineken / Training Room Tecate
Spatial design of training area for new employees in the brewing area for the best training and learning experience.
Client: Heineken
Plant: Tecate, Mexico
Project: Training Room Elaboración Tecate
Service: Interior design, industrial design, installation and production
Business Unit: EnterpriseCarrier / Muros gigantes
Carrier / Muros gigantes
Creation and production of murals to highlight the many awards that Carrier has earned through years of hard work and excellence.
Client: Carrier Mexico
Project: Muros Gigantes
Service: Industrial design, graphic design, fabrication and installation
Business Unit: EnterpriseHeineken / Innovation Room Envasado Mty
Heineken / Innovation Room Envasado Mty
Interior design of Innovation Room, development of a creative and relaxed environment to help with ideation for new and innovative projects and solutions for packaging department.
Client: Heineken
Plant: Monterrey, Mexico
Project: Innovation Room Envasado
Service: Interior design, graphic design, product design, production and installation.
Business Unit: EnterpriseCarrier / Sala Google
Carrier / Sala Google
Interior design for a different kind of conference room, a space to relax and break away from the closed office mindset and promote team building activities that let creativity flow. A project spanning from concept and graphic design to production and installation.
Client: Carrier Monterrey
Project: Sala Google
Service: Interior design, graphic design, industrial design, fabrication and installation
Business Unit: EnterpriseToyota / Sala de descanso
Toyota / Sala de descanso
Interior design of relaxation lounge for the garage employees to have a comfortable and calming place to rest after their lunch break including puffs, hammocks, gaming style seats and a variety of couches.
Client: Toyota Linda Vista
Project: Sala de Descanso
Service: Interior design, installation, production and industrial design
Business Unit: EnterpriseHeineken / Challenger Room
Heineken / Challenger Room
Interior design and decoration of the «Challenger» Room which promotes company values and work ethic practices among employees.
Client: Heineken
Plant: Tecate, Mexico
Project: Challenger Room Tecate
Service: Interior design, graphic design and installation.
Business Unit: EnterpriseCarrier / Showroom Planta E
Heineken / Training Room Envasado Mty
Heineken / Training Room Envasado Mty
Concept creation and development of interior design for training room of packaging department with the objective to display the information in a way that would be visually appealing and well organized to ensure the best learning experience.
Client: Heieneken
Plant: Monterrey, Mexico
Project: Training Room Envasado
Service: Interior design, graphic design, production and installation.
Business Unit: EnterpriseCarrier / Muros CTL
Carrier / Muros CTL
Decoration of walls inside the production plant representing the hard work and excellence in quality of the employees. The project also included the illustration and production of two of the larger products of the plant in a life size represention.
Client: Carrier Charlotte Plant, North Carolina, USA
Project: Muros CTL
Service: Industrial design, graphic design, production and installation
Business Unit: EnterpriseLOCURA / Campaña ATL
LOCURA / Campaña ATL
Online and printed ad campaign to promote Locura’s clothing lines by showcasing the variety and fashion forward style of the clothing.
Client: Locura
Project: ATL Campaign
Service: Marketing, integral advertising & video campaign.
Business Unit: Albert HaizWorked in collaboration with Jacobs&Don.
Heineken / Ser Bronce
Advertising, Corporate, Video
Video created to showcase a new line of display refrigerators made for Coca Cola inspired by the Coca Cola swerve to enhace product visibility and sales.
Client: Imbera
Project: 3D Vis
Service: Motion graphics, 3D animation, sound editing and video editing
Business Unit: IlusionistasENRIQUETA
Creation of concept and graphic design of corporate identity for Grupo Protecno along with development and implementation of communication and marketing strategies.
Client: Grupo Protecno
Project: Corporate identity, communication and marketing strategy
Service: Branding and brand strategy
Business unit: Genera StudioWorked in collaboration with Jacobs&Don.
ARCA / Pared modular
ARCA / Pared modular
Graphic design, production and installation of wall made up of cubes to showcase different brands for a personal event by ARCA Monterrey.
Client: Arca Continental
Project: Pared Modular de Marcas
Service: Industrial design, graphic design, production and installation.
Business Unit: EnterpriseTRUE DESIGN
Toyota / Basket Recycling
Toyota / Basket Recycling
Concept creation and implementation of recycling campaign in “Toyota Linda Vista” car dealership. The project spanned from product design to graphic design with the objective of incentivizing recycling through a fun and dynamic experience by creating 3 basketball nets above the recycling bins.
Client: Toyota Linda Vista Agency
Project: RSE Recycling
Service: Industrial design, graphic design, fabrication and installation
Business Unit: EnterpriseTec de monterrey
Tec de monterrey
Video that pays hommage to the demolition of Tec de Monterrey’s iconic stadium, with special focus on memories and history of the stadium while looking towards an even better future.
Client: Tec de Monterrey
Project: La historia se queda contigo
Service: Live action video production, video editing, sound editing and advertising
Business Unit: IlusionistasIMBERA / BABY COOLER
Advertising, Corporate, Video
UNIQUE / Youtube campaign
Advertising, Video
ARCA / Copa fundamentales
Branding, Corporate
Advertising, Branding
BIOPARQUE / En tu escuela
HEINEKEN / Quinto elemento
HEINEKEN / Quinto elemento
Concept creation and development of endomarketing campaign focused on creating an excellent work environment. Each of the four basic elements represent a part of what it takes to be a great employee and they all combine to create the fifth element, you.
Client: Heineken
Region: Yucatan, Mexico
Project: El quinto elemento
Service: Graphic design and endomarketing
Business Unit: Genera StudioTEO / Digital campaign
FEMCO / Talento en movimiento
HEINEKEN / Safe modes
IMBERA / Refrigerador amigo
FEMCO / Manual del jefe
Concept creation and implementation of endomarketing campaign geared towards promoting company values and maintaining quality standards on a national level.
Client: Farmacias Yza
Project: Campaña Una Gran Familia
Service: Illustration and graphic design
Business Unit: Genera StudioHEINEKEN / Conquer Tool
QUIMMCO / Excelencia
ARCA / Villa de nutrición
Heineken / Campaña Somos
Heineken / Campaña Somos
Endomarketing campaign to promote integration and teamwork within the company, using «Somos» (We are) as the core concept to drive unity among the employees.
Client: Heineken
Plant: Monterrey, Mexico
Project: Campaña Somos
Service: Graphic design and communication strategy
Business Unit: Genera StudioHeineken / Liga clase mundial
Heineken / Liga clase mundial
Internal communication campaign to promote excellence in all aspects of their work. The soccer theme was chosen to promote participation and for motivation.
Client: Heineken
Reach: All 7 manufacturing plants in Mexico
Project: Liga clase mundial
Service: Graphic design and endomarketing
Business Unit: Genera StudioImbera/ Campaña sostenibilidad
Advertising, Corporate, Video
Tecmilenio / Scrabble gigante
Tecmilenio / Scrabble gigante
Production of giant Scrabble board located in Universidad TecMilenio, for the students to have a space to play and relax between classes.
Client: Universidad TecMilenio
Project: Scrabble Gigante
Service: Industrial design, fabrication and installation.
Business Unit: EnterpriseARCA / Negocios compartidos
Corporate, Video
Super Chikis / Branding and illustration
Advertising, Branding
Super Chikis / Branding and illustration
Creation of concept and graphic design of brand identity for Super Chikis a brand focused on inclusivity and celebrating diversity.
Client: Super Chikis
Project: Brand identity
Service: Branding, advertising and illustration
Business Unit: Genera StudioWorked in collaboration with Jacobs&Don.
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